I suppose the title gives it away a bit, doesn’t it? I’m a big fan and believer of building a mailing list. Waaaay more than getting Facebook likers. I’ll tell you why:
Firstly, because you don’t own your Facebook likers. I have said this before and I’ll say it again, in case you need to hear it again, YOU DON’T OWN YOUR FACEBOOK LIKERS. If Facebook decides to close up shop you will lose everything you’ve worked so hard for. Enough said.
Secondly, because that’s where people buy from the most. Yup, you heard that right! Your conversion rate for sales via email newsletter promotions is so much bigger than from any other communications platform, including social media.
Thirdly, it’s an asset. I bet you never thought of it that way, but yes, your mailing list is a business asset. It’s a communication platform with your existing and potential customers and this is a big big thing.
You know what you need to do now.. START BUILDING THAT LIST PRONTO.