Firstly, I want to open up by saying that there is no such thing as failure in my mind. I see each obstacle as a learning opportunity rather than a failure.
With that in mind I want you to look at your marketing activities as learning opportunities and let the data tell you what’s not particularly working for you and use it to improve your results.
Before we say that something is a ‘failure’ we need to look at a number of things first, because it might a ‘failure’ in your eyes but your data might tell a different story.
Here’s what to do when your marketing fails (or if you think your marketing is failing):
1: Analyse
Step one would be to analyse what you are doing before you can take steps to improve your results. Knowing where you’re at right now is key to creating a plan for improvement. After all if you don’t know your starting point you can’t plot your end destination.
Start by evaluating:
- what results you have achieved (even if they aren’t what you were hoping for)
- what data you have that will give you information about what is working and what isn’t working
Looking at the data that you have, what results did you get?
- Did you have any visits to your website?
- Did you have comments on social media?
- Have you had enquiries?
- Have you made sales (even if you were hoping for more)?
- Did people open your emails?
Go through every marketing activity you’ve undertaken and look at what the results were.
2: Gain clarity
The next thing to do is go back to your why, your reason for being in business. Clarity about why you’re in business will help you re-evaluate your marketing efforts and see if you’re still aligned with the work that you dream of doing.
Is your marketing still infused with the authentic you or has it become a clone of everything you see out there?
To attract clients it’s important to be 100% you and to show this in your marketing efforts. If it’s not 100% you, but it’s simply a copy of what everyone else is doing, it’s not going to attract the right kind of clients.
Spend some time going back to basics to see if there is a misalignment.
3: Confidence
Are you conveying your message with confidence?
This may seem an odd point to you but potential clients will recognise it if you’re not confident about what you’re offering. Your message won’t come across authentically or strongly.
Your confidence comes down to your mindset. If your mindset gets in the way of your marketing and asking for the sale, your business will most likely not move forward.
Take a step back and listen to your inner dialogue. What is it telling you? Are you 100% confident about your message? Are you 100% confident about asking for the sale?
If the answer is no, I encourage you to work on your mindset so that you’re confident when marketing your business.
4: Do it!
Often when our marketing isn’t working we might feel a little bit deflated and ready to throw in the towel. This is totally understandable and you’re not the only one feeling this way.
However, this approach won’t get us anywhere.
In order for people to find us and work with us, we do need to focus on marketing activities.
So it’s time to evaluate all that we’ve done, pick ourselves up and try again.
5: Refine
After we’ve evaluated our first efforts and made improvements for subsequent efforts, it’s time to keep evaluating and refining what we do.
At some point you’ll hit a sweet-spot and your marketing efforts will be paying of.
Keep trying, keep evaluating, keep refining.
Need help?
Would you like some feedback on your marketing? Or simply ask me some questions?
Book a 1:1 session with me here