
Whoohoo, hello Friday! What a week it has been!

I can’t believe we’re getting so close to Christmas and I’m totally looking forward to some time off. BUUUT not before I have planned 2015 with my business goals, prepared my launch calendar for the next round of Soulfully Social and showed you this awesome new tool called Edgar!

Who’s Edgar?

Who’s Edgar you might be thinking? Edgar is a brand spanking new social media scheduling tool and I had heard so many good things about it that I really wanted to try it for myself. As you know, I’ve been using various social media scheduling tools and I even shared some tutorials with you. I loved them all, but there’s nothing quite like Edgar. It’s like love at first sight. Edgar lets you build a library of posts that you can use more than once. It’s seriously brilliant.

Anyway, I think you should meet Edgar yourself, so I created this tutorial of how to use Edgar to schedule your social media posts. Enjoy!

Edit: I just wanted to add that with Edgar, it’s a risk free trial. You pay when you sign up, but can get a full refund if you cancel within the first 2 months.

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