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Tips to create an irresistible opt-in gift

by | Dec 2, 2014 | Marketing | 0 comments

If you’ve been reading along here you know that I’m very passionate about getting businesses to start email newsletters and today I wanted to take it a step further and focus on creating an opt-in gift that’s irresistible.

If you’re serious about growing your mailing list you need to give your readers a reason to sign up. 

Often this is done by offering an opt-in gift. An opt-in gift is basically an incentive in return for someone’s email address.

To create an irresistible opt-in gift it’s important to know your ideal customer well so that you can offer them something they really want.

An opt-in gift could solve a problem they may have or it could help them in some other way.

Most opt-in gifts are digital products such as e-books or a free video series as they are easy to deliver and often allow for instant access. Other ideas for opt-ins are free shipping, a monthly entry in a draw or a discount voucher.

An opt-in gift allows you to introduce yourself to your readers by sharing your area of expertise. It will give an insight into what they can expect from you and if you are generous and give them something really valuable they’ll stick around and may one day become customers.

How to decide on your opt-in gift?

  • Answer one of their questions/pain points in an e-book, video series or webinar
  • Use your most popular blog content to turn it into an e-book or worksheet or tips list
  • Give them 5 quick steps to solve a problem
  • Offer them free shipping, a ‘new client’ discount or entry into a monthly draw

Once you have decided on what your opt-in gift should be, you can create it. It’s important to make it visually appealing and recognisable with your brand. You can either get a designer to create it for you or you could DIY your opt-in gift.

Places such as Fiverr could create it for you or you could use Canva, PicMonkey or Creative Market to create your own.

Now that you’ve created your opt-in gift, you need to send it out into the wide world. Promote your opt-in via your website, your social media channels, Facebook advertising etc. The aim is to get people to sign up to your newsletter and receive your free opt-in gift. Just like I’m doing below this post 🙂

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