I often get asked by my clients which social media platform is best for their particular business and my answer is different every single time. Mainly because there is no one size fits all and it depends on a number of factors.
Let’s ask a few questions that will help us decide on the best platform for your business.
Which one is your favourite?
This one might surprise you, but in my opinion there’s no point spending time online if you’re not enjoying what you’re doing. Is there a social media platform that you use more than others? Is there a place that you find more fun than others?
For me this platform is Facebook. I really love spending time in groups, growing communities, strengthening connections and finding inspiration for my own audience.
I also love Instagram but I’m a little bit more ‘on and off’ with Instagram as I don’t always find the inspiration to post images.
Where does your ideal client spend their time?
The next question, one that’s quite important, focuses on where your audience spends their time. You want to be spending your time where your clients are spending their time so that you can build relationships with them.
Social media was created to be social, to build, nurture and grow relationships. Find out where your ideal client spends their time and join them. If it’s a social media platform that you don’t enjoy using I recommend finding the next best platform. You’ll find that your ideal client will be hanging out in different places, so if they’re on Facebook and Instagram but you don’t enjoy Facebook, only join them on Instagram.
Don’t do them all, do what’s fun
We’re done with the questions, this one is just a tip. Don’t try to spend time on all the different social media platforms unless you’re making it your job to spend all your time online (which you probably don’t want to). I recommend that you register your social media handle (aka name) on each platform so that you ‘own’ it, but don’t feel the need to use them all.