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Social media checklist

by | Jan 24, 2014 | Social Media | 0 comments

Where to start with social media? I’ve put together a short social media checklist to get you started in the wondrous world of this exciting medium. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about social media, marketing or content development.

Your social media accounts

Have you secured your business name on the social media platforms listed below? If you’re not ready to use social media just yet, it is definitely worth registering your business on these sites so that someone else doesn’t get there first.

Do you have a blog?

Blogging can seem like a pretty overwhelming idea for many businesses. It takes quite a bit of time and it may not be appropriate for your business, but if you’d like to improve your search engine ranking, inform, educate, inspire, help your customers and give them a reason to keep in touch with you, blogging even once a week could be beneficial for your business.

Sharing online

Do you have ‘Share’ buttons on your website product pages and blog? Think about RSS, Facebook ‘Like’, Pinterest ‘Pin This’, Twitter ‘Tweet This’, ‘Email This’ buttons. Adding these buttons to your website will make it easy for your online visitors to share their favourite products and articles with their friends, family and followers on their social media networks. It’s a great way to spread your content, it’s like word-of-mouth but online. Your visitors will do the talking for you.

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