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How to be more productive using social media tools

by | Jan 13, 2015 | Social Media | 0 comments

If you’ve been reading along for a while here, you know that a lot of my productivity is because I use tools to schedule my social media posts. Of course I’m on social media a couple of times a day as well to monitor and engage, but if I’m unable to hop online at a specific time, I know that I will still be marketing my business and sending out engaging content.

For some of you it might seem like I’m always online, or like your competitors are always online but we know a thing or two and I would like to share this with you so that you can be more productive too.

There are plenty of tools out there that will help you be more productive with your time and it’s up to you to find out what works for you.

Personally, I create a social media calendar in which I pre-plan and schedule all my content to go out at certain times. I use CoSchedule and Edgar for my social media scheduling and sometimes I schedule something in the Facebook scheduler. The key to be more productive lies in the planning and batching of tasks. Rather than spending 30 minutes every day on searching for content, creating content, preparing content and scheduling content, I batch my tasks. So once per week I write my blog posts, my newsletters and schedule my social media content.

I allocate 2 hour blocks to these tasks, so that my blog writing/newsletter writing is done in 2 hours and my social media scheduling is done in 2 hours. This means that I spend 4 hours per week on managing my blog and social media networks. Not bad if you ask me, especially when research shows that we spend 3.6 hours PER DAY on social media. This makes 4 hours spent on using social media for business promotions sound like nothing.

I have to say that 4 hours is my minimum, but I often spend more time just because I’m constantly learning and finding more information. It also doesn’t include analyzing statistics, so you’d need to set time aside for that.

So, your task is to check out some social media scheduling tools and start being more productive!

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