
Marketing, the new school way 

I believe that marketing is something that everyone can do and it doesn’t need to be complicated, despite the amount of information you may find that tells you otherwise.

That’s what you’ll find in upcoming episodes of this podcast. I’ll be sharing simple and practical tips, insider knowledge and step by step lessons to help you take action on amplifying your traffic, your sales and your income. 

I’ll also be inviting guests to share their expertise with you, where we’ll be going deep into specific marketing topics that will help you take the next step, (and the next) in your marketing journey. 

If you’re ready to give it a go, I’d like to invite you along on the journey. Let’s do this together!


Connect with me

Website: www.newschoolofmarketing.com
Facebook: @newschoolofmarketing
Facebook group: @newschoolofmarketing
Instagram: @bianca_mckenzie


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Let’s be honest and upfront, because you know that’s what I’m all about. Podcast reviews are super important to iTunes and the more reviews we receive the more likely iTunes will reward us with better reach.

I want to reach more course creators, store owners and awesome business builders that can add extreme value to our awesome insiders. I already love that you’re here and ready to rock your business, but I’d be extremely grateful if you would review me on iTunes and SUBSCRIBE!

Can’t wait to teach you everything I know about online marketing!


Facebook Ads Checklist

Inside this FREE master template I’ll show you exactly what you need to create and setup before you can start your ads.


I decided to start this podcast right in the middle of the covid pandemic and a stage 4 lockdown in Melbourne, in a time where many people are facing several challenges. In some ways I feel like it’s the worst time to start a podcast but in others it’s the absolute perfect time to start.

So I decided to face my fears and stop second guessing myself because if the evidence in my own business is anything to go by, right now is exactly the right time.

  • More people are working from home.
  • More people are spending time online.
  • More people are starting businesses or side hustles.
  • More businesses are selling more online.
  • More businesses can benefit from marketing tips.

And I want to make marketing accessible for everyone.

But before we dive in, let’s back-track a little.

For the past 6 years I’ve built and grown an online business helping clients with online marketing and Facebook and Instagram advertising.

What started as a side-hustle turned into my full-time gig and so far I’ve managed multiple six figures in ad spend, turning it into multiple 7 figures for my clients.

But this isn’t my first business, and I’m not someone who changed from an unrelated degree or career into marketing. I’ve always been a marketer. I’ve always wanted to be a marketer (well, since I was a teenager).

My first four businesses were all creative outlets. I’ve designed and hand-printed textiles, started a textile screen printing business with friends, I’ve designed wedding invitations and stationery and I’ve had an e-commerce store selling baby footwear.

The reason why I don’t have any of those businesses anymore? Because I’ve always gravitated back to working in marketing and building businesses. Then a lightbulb went off and I started helping business friends with social media, email marketing, advertising and all things online marketing.

Why am I sharing this with you? Because I want you to understand that even though I studied business and marketing, even though my career was in marketing, even though I’ve had multiple businesses, even though I’ve been in the business of marketing and advertising for the past 6 years… marketing, and more importantly business, is an ever evolving space and I’m still learning every single day.

I believe that marketing is something that everyone can do and it doesn’t need to be complicated, despite the amount of information you may find that tells you otherwise.

I believe that simplicity and small steps is the key to laying strong foundations and then building on those foundations to create momentum.

I’ve been behind the scenes of so many different businesses and I’ve learned what likely does and doesn’t work and I want to share my knowledge and insights with you.

That’s what you’ll find in upcoming episodes of this podcast. I’ll be sharing simple and practical tips, insider knowledge and step by step lessons to help you take action on amplifying your traffic, your sales and your income.

I’ll also be inviting guests to share their expertise with you, where we’ll be going deep into specific marketing topics that will help you take the next step, (and the next) in your marketing journey.

So, why did I name this podcast the New School of Marketing?

I’ve had the domain and name for a while, so when I first thought of creating a podcast it seemed like the obvious choice to name my podcast the New School of Marketing.

But more so, because we live in a digital world that’s constantly changing and I like the play on words by using new school.

Us business owners and entrepreneurs are operating in a landscape that’s forever moving and changing.

  • What worked last year might not work today.
  • New social platforms pop up and some die down.
  • Technology is changing faster than the speed of light and sometimes it can all be too daunting when you’re trying to market your business.
  • Marketing is about being adaptable to the environment and to the needs of your business.
  • Marketing is different for each one of us.
  • It’s about taking what speaks to you and giving it ago.
  • It’s about your willingness to try something new, and to make changes if it’s not working.

I don’t want you to have to learn the hard or expensive way so I’m going first and I’m giving you the ins and outs without breaking the budget.

If you’re ready to give it a go, I’d like to invite you along on the journey. Let’s do this together!