
Over the past months I have been working on putting this e-book together and I’m so super excited to finally be able to share it with you.

I put this e-book together because I love reading other people’s stories, I love hearing about their journey through business and the things they learned along the way. On top of featuring their journey and lessons in building a business, I also wanted to share little bits of insight from these amazing and inspiring entrepreneurs.

I know I’m not the only one who loves reading these stories and so ‘inspire me’ was born.

A massive thanks to all the wonderful and inspiring businesses that sent me their story. I’m super happy to be able to feature 17 amazing entrepreneurs, and I hope that you will love reading their stories as much as I have.

Thank you Polka Dot Bride, Ink & Spindle, Sara Taylor Photography, Beautiful Money, Total Balance, Evolve & Succeed, Denu, Old School New School, Sow ‘n Sow, Tess McCabe, Maze & Vale, Platform Eight, Unleash Creative, Sica Smiley, The Design Kids, and Bernie Griffiths.

This has been a project of love and I would like to share this e-book with everyone out there, so feel free to send them over and download a copy below.

Click here to download Inspire Me

I’d love to know what you thought of ‘Inspire me’. Please let us know below 🙂

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