What to do when your marketing fails

While the majority of my work as a Facebook ads strategist is focused on online course launches, I do serve a handful of e-commerce clients as well and their ads strategy and approach is somewhat different from online course providers.

For online course providers the majority of the work I do is list building and launches. 

Every so often I get questions about e-commerce ads and whether List Building is a good strategy for them in terms of Facebook ads.

While I think list building is a good strategy for any business, often e-commerce businesses don’t need to focus heavily on list building and they can use Facebook ads to sell their product straight away.

Unless your product has a high price-point and it takes longer for someone to make the commitment to invest, then list building would be my preferred strategy. 

So today I want to talk about 3 Simple steps to get started with Facebook ads in your e-commerce business. These steps are probably not what you’re expecting but they are very important so listen up.

Show notes:
iOS Preparation Guide

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Website: www.newschoolofmarketing.com
Facebook: @newschoolofmarketing
Facebook group: @newschoolofmarketing
Instagram: @bianca_mckenzie


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Facebook Ads Checklist

Inside this FREE master template I’ll show you exactly what you need to create and setup before you can start your ads.


While the majority of my work as a Facebook ads strategist is focused on online course launches, I do serve a handful of e-commerce clients as well and their ads strategy and approach is somewhat different from online course providers.

For online course providers the majority of the work I do is list building and launches. 

Every so often I get questions about e-commerce ads and whether List Building is a good strategy for them in terms of Facebook ads.

While I think list building is a good strategy for any business, often e-commerce businesses don’t need to focus heavily on list building and they can use Facebook ads to sell their product straight away.

Unless your product has a high price-point and it takes longer for someone to make the commitment to invest, then list building would be my preferred strategy. 

So today I want to talk about 3 Simple steps to get started with Facebook ads in your e-commerce business. These steps are probably not what you’re expecting but they are very important so listen up.

1: Install your Facebook pixel & prepare your business and ad account

One of the first recommendations I would make is to install your Facebook pixel on your website, making sure it tracks your homepage but also ‘add to cart’ and ‘purchases’.

Most pre-built e-commerce websites offer instructions on how to install your pixel so that it tracks all of these things.

To find out how to install it on your website, go to Google and type in ‘Facebook pixel on for example Shopify’.

As part of this step you also need to prepare your business for iOS. I have created a free guide that tells you how to do this and I’ll add the link for it in the show notes. 

2: Have a product that converts

To get the most out of Facebook ads you need to have a product that already sells.

If your product is new and you haven’t sold anything yet you can still use Facebook ads but you may not get the results you want. The first time you run Facebook ads you will get a whole lot of marketing research data that you can use to optimise your business and make improvements so that your product will convert.

Often the first round, or first few rounds, of Facebook advertising need to be considered a marketing research exercise and I urge you not to expect too much from the results but rather learn from the data that Facebook gives you.

Once your product converts, you can get more innovative and put money towards selling more.

There’s one thing I want you to remember here. If your product doesn’t yet convert, Facebook ads isn’t going to fix this. You’ll need to find out why people aren’t buying first and fix that issue before spending money on Facebook ads.

3: Amplify sales with Facebook Ads

Once you have a product that people are already buying, even without Facebook ads, you can amplify your sales by putting your offer in front of more people.

Facebook ads can amplify your sales, it can’t fix conversion rates so it’s extremely important that you have done the conversion work first. Your product needs to sell already, otherwise you’ll be met with disappointing results and you’ll have wasted money.

So, where do I start?

The first step really is to install your pixel, even if you don’t plan to advertise yet. This pixel is going to ‘track’ everyone who visits your site and thanks to Facebook’s elaborate data you can use this pixel tracking in the future by asking Facebook to find more people who are already viewing your website or buying your products. The pixel is definitely the most important first step.

The next steps depend on where you are at in your business. Are you new or have you already sold your product through your online store?

Remember, Facebook ads can amplify your sales but it can’t fix a sales problem.

If you do have a sales problem, I recommend working with a marketing expert to identify what the issue is and how you can fix it. Once it’s fixed you can go back to Facebook ads and amplify your sales.

At the moment I service a small number of e-commerce clients through advertising management and have a waitlist for done-for-you clients. If you want me to run your Facebook ads for you, please get in touch.

Or if you’re adventurous and curious about Facebook ads, download one of my free resources or join me in my program ‘Facebook ads for Online Stores’. You’ll find the links in the show notes.