6 Facebook advertising lessons from a Facebook ads manager

As someone who manages Facebook ads on a daily basis, I get to talk to lots of people about whether or not a business  should advertise on Facebook and Instagram.

It’s really fascinating to hear people’s beliefs and opinions about ads. Sometimes I wonder where they got certain information from. 

That’s why, in this episode, I want to tackle some of the myths I’ve heard people say about Facebook ads.

🎧 Tune in to learn more

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Facebook Ads Checklist

Inside this FREE master template I’ll show you exactly what you need to create and setup before you can start your ads.


Hello and welcome to the New School of Marketing podcast. I’m so excited that you’re here and look forward to teaching you all about marketing and Facebook advertising.

As someone who manages Facebook ads on a daily basis, I get to talk to lots of people about whether or not a business  should advertise on Facebook and Instagram.

It’s really fascinating to hear people’s beliefs and opinions about ads. Sometimes I wonder where they got certain information from. 

That’s why, in this episode, I want to tackle some of the myths I’ve heard people say about Facebook ads.

1. My business isn’t big enough

When I talk to business owners about Facebook ads, a lot of them seem to think that it’s only for big businesses. I’m not sure what a big business even means. Does it mean that there are employees? Are we talking about turnover? Or about large offices? 

None of these indicate that a business has a marketing budget. 

You can’t tell what goes on behind closed doors, unless it’s a business that is listed on the stock exchange. And you don’t need to get to that point to be able to advertise on Facebook.

Facebook ads are for everyone.

Including you.

A little side-note here: some businesses are prohibited from advertising as it goes against Facebook’s advertising policies, but generally speaking, almost everyone can advertise on Facebook.

2. You need a big budget

Another thing that I hear a lot is that you need a big budget. 

I guess the first thing to establish is what a big budget is. Is it four figures, five figures or more?

I once worked with a client and we spent less than $200 to make $6,000. That’s a pretty small budget and we still achieved amazing results.

For another client I spent $541 and we made over $55K back. 

Now, that’s not a common result but it’s definitely a possibility. 

The main point is that you don’t need to spend a lot of money to get results. 

Truth is that it is harder with a $100 budget than it is with a $1000 budget, but it’s all relative.

3. It will fix my sales problems

Out of all of the beliefs, this is the hardest to work with. Some people who come to me are hopeful that I can fix their sales problem by running Facebook ads.

The problem with that is that it would only amplify their sales conversion problem.

If you’re not already making sales or have people joining your mailing list, Facebook ads aren’t going to fix your problem. Zero conversions with an ads budget means that your money is wasted.

Facebook ads can’t fix a broken funnel or a conversion problem. You’ll need to dig deeper into why your offer isn’t converting and only once you’ve found out what’s not working and you’ve fixed it, then you can run Facebook ads.

4. Facebook ads don’t work for my business

Whenever I hear someone say this, I have the urge to do one of two things. One is to walk away because they’ve already made up their mind, two is to ask them for their statistics from their last Facebook ads campaign.

Facebook ads manager gives you an amazing array of numbers and these numbers will tell you a story. If you’re unable to decipher this story you’ll come to the conclusion that Facebook ads don’t work. If you CAN decipher the story, you’ll find out what really went ‘wrong’ and get an opportunity to make changes so that your ads WILL work.

I have to add a little note here, because ever since Apple released their iOS14 updated the tracking in Facebook isn’t what it once used to be. People who have opted out of tracking won’t be tracked, so you won’t see that on Facebook. Plus for many accounts there’s a delay in tracking. This doesn’t mean that your ads don’t work, it just means that you have to put your private investigator hat on and get creative with reporting. I’m having to do a lot of manual reporting for clients at the moment, plus use Google Analytics to look at what’s happening. There’s always a way.

5. You need an ads manager to do it for you

Not everyone needs an ads manager. 

Yes, I, the ads manager, just said that not everyone needs an ads manager.

In fact, I think it’s better to learn how to manage ads yourself to start with, or at least get a better understanding of what ads can do for your business and how they work. 

Outsourcing isn’t always the right option.

Facebook ads are not rocket science. They’re not easy, but they’re also not hard. 

Knowing at least the basics about them will help you better understand what you’re getting into when you do finally hire an ads manager. 

If you’d like to ask me questions about Facebook ads or getting prepared to hire an ads manager, feel free to get in touch with me via Instagram DM. I’m always happy to answer questions.