Today’s blog post is brought to you by Denise Duffield-Thomas, my money mentor and go to person for all things money mindset. Enjoy!
You know the feeling you get when you do “that thing” around money AGAIN?
Spend wildly on a new extravagance even though bills are due…
Hoard every penny even though you really want to splurge on a vacation…
Forgo a spa treatment because your daughter really wants that new pair of designer jeans…
Whatever you do with money, I bet you don’t just do it once. Most of us have habits with money — some of which serve us, and some which definitely do not.
So we do “that thing” again, and inside we feel unhappy. It’s not that we don’t want to treat ourselves, or save up money, or buy our loved ones special gifts.
It’s just that we feel like we’re making money decisions on autopilot. Like we’re not in control of the situation, and we’re not so sure we’re crazy about the results of our actions.
Well, what if I told you that you have a unique “money DNA” which is where those habits come from?
Even better, what if I told you that you could “crack the code” on your money DNA and start to leverage your money strengths, while compensating for your weaknesses — so you could stop repeating that same old money story and start living a new one?
You might wonder if it’s even possible to have a brand-new money story, especially if you feel like your habits are deeply ingrained.
If so, I hear you. I TOTALLY used to feel that way. I wasn’t born into any special privilege, and I didn’t have strong money models growing up.
Today, I run a multi-million dollar business that’s touched the lives of tens of thousands of women around the world. There was a time, though, when I felt like maybe, despite the fact that I had big dreams and was putting a ton of hard work into them, I wasn’t cut out for the success I dreamed of.
When I started my business several years ago, I used to run goal-setting workshops around town. I’d print the flyers at home (that I designed myself on Powerpoint no less) and tack them up on café notice boards.
One day, while driving to give one of my workshops, the felt ceiling of my car fell down around my head. I was literally driving to a workshop to inspire others to have more, be more, and do more… and the roof of my car was sagging down around my ears.
I realized in that moment that my money life needed a reset. I already knew how to manifest lots of things and experiences, but when it came to money, things just weren’t going the way I’d planned. I started to think maybe I didn’t have it in me to create a thriving business from my passion — that maybe it was never going to be my turn.
All of that changed, though, when I discovered Sacred Money Archetypes®.
For the first time in my life, I got a glimpse of what was possible for me if I would just work toward my strengths, instead of battling my weaknesses.
And for the first time, I got answers about why I’d put so many seeming obstacles to success in my own path. Turns out they weren’t actually obstacles, but rather preferences that, with a few simple tweaks could be capitalized on in a BIG way.
What are Sacred Money Archetypes®?
Well, remember I mentioned “money DNA” a minute ago?
Sacred Money Archetypes® is the work (created by Kendall Summerhawk) that will help you unlock your unique DNA around money, so you can use it to your advantage instead of letting it silently sabotage you.
(And yes, I’m speaking figuratively here — I know this isn’t “the” DNA that makes up living things! It’s just as important, though — especially if you want wealth and success in your future.)
Within your unique money personality is the seed of a healthy relationship to money — a code just like “the other” DNA — with all the potential to create any level of wealth, freedom, and fulfillment you can imagine.
This means you are designed to succeed. You just have to know how to move forward with the right knowledge about how to take care of yourself based on how you naturally show up with money.
I’m SO thankful I discovered this about myself with the Sacred Money Archetype® work — because as soon as I knew how to work with my innate “money DNA” my business really started taking off, and I found that my old self-sabotaging habits fell away.
The change for me was so profound that I became a certified coach in Kendall Summerhawk’s Sacred Money Archetypes® method and for years, I’ve been teaching it only on private retreats and with my one-to-one clients.
(Totally secret!)
Until now.
For the first time ever, I’m bringing the Sacred Money Archetypes® training to YOU.
Best of all, you can get started absolutely FREE.
>> Take My Free Lucky Money Quiz Now to discover your unique Sacred Money Archetypes®.
The Sacred Money Archetypes quiz and training series is a brand-NEW offering, and is the perfect complement to any entrepreneur’s journey.
Whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been building your business for years, the thing about your money personality is that it doesn’t change. Who you are at the start of your business is who you are 10 years in.
The key to breaking the habits that keep you from having ALL the success you really want, is understanding what makes you tick and knowing how to change it.
So, what about you? Are you still self-sabotaging around money?
Do you find yourself under-earning — or earning plenty but never knowing quite where it all went? Are you plagued with emotions like fear, guilt, or shame around money? Do you cringe when trying to decide how to spend it?
There are endless ways we sabotage ourselves with money, especially when it comes to growing our businesses. The truth is, though, YOUR way is simply related to your particular Archetype.
In fact, as part of the training, I’m revealing what MY primary Archetype is, as well as exactly how I’ve used this knowledge to work around my own imperfections (we’ve all got ‘em, gorgeous) and create a multi-million dollar business PLUS a relaxed lifestyle I love, with plenty of time for all the people and things that are most important to me.
You may be very interested to learn, for instance, that I have this ONE characteristic you’d probably never associate with being a successful, multi-millionaire entrepreneur!
(You’ll want to watch Video #2 in the series to see if you relate to this one.)
To get started, take the quiz HERE and discover how your money personality may be sabotaging you, and exactly what to do about it.
You’ll discover SO much about yourself and your unconscious money beliefs just by taking the quiz — but remember, I’m not stopping there, because after you get your results, you’ll automatically be enrolled in a free video training program to help you apply what you’ve learned straight away.
I know from experience how powerful it is to understand your unique ‘money DNA’ and leverage it in your life and business, so you can stop sabotaging yourself when it comes to money.
Honestly, it’s like pressing ‘reset’ on your money story! When you know what’s been holding you back, you can pave a brand-new path to a brighter future with the financial freedom and impact you really want (not to mention being able to manifest everything on your dream board).
I’m sooo thrilled to offer the Sacred Money Archetypes® training to you. I know it will be life-changing for you, and I can’t wait to see you “on the inside.”
It’s your time, and you’re ready for the next step.
Xx Denise
P.S. I don’t recommend many things, as you likely know. I deeply trust Denise and believe in her work wholeheartedly. I’m also a proud affiliate, which means I may earn a commission if you decide to join one of Denise’s programs at some point.
Denise Duffield-Thomas is the money mindset mentor for the new wave of online female entrepreneurs. Her best-selling books “Lucky Bitch” and “Get Rich, Lucky Bitch” give a fresh and funny road-map to create an outrageously successful life and business.
Denise helps women release their fear of money, set premium prices for their services and take back control over their finances.
Denise is an award winning speaker, author and entrepreneur who helps women transform their Economy-Class money mindset into a First-Class life. You can find her at www.LuckyBitch.com!
I am a proud affiliate partner of Denise and I may receive a commission if you join one of her programs in the future.
Sacred Money Archetypes is a registered trademark of Heart of Success, Inc. and licensed by Lucky B Pty Ltd. Copyright 2017 Kendall SummerHawk.