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5 Ways to stop procrastination in your business

by | Mar 29, 2016 | Business | 0 comments

We all have days where we’d rather do something else. Anything to avoid that one thing in our business that we’d rather not do.

This could be your taxes, your bookkeeping, blogging, calling that difficult client, etc.

You know what I’m talking about right?

When you even prefer cleaning, or bringing in the mail instead of doing what you’re ‘supposed’ to be doing.

How do you get yourself out of this funk?

How do you make sure you stay on your path and stop procrastinating?

Firstly, listen to your body.

Is it really procrastination or do you simply need a break to re-energize?

If it is indeed procrastination, let me share these 5 ways to stop procrastination.

Break it into steps

Your task might look so big to you that you struggle to start because it feels too overwhelming.

The best way to beat this is to break it into smaller tasks.

I would even go as far as breaking it into steps and sprinkling my tasks across different weeks.

Give yourself plenty of time so that you’re not tempted by Mr. Procrastination.

Eat that frog

I always giggle when I hear this expression but it’s such a great tip so I have to include it.

It means that you tackle your biggest, most important task first.

Get that task that you really don’t want to be doing first and you’ll feel so much better for it.

Knuckle down, get it done, then reward yourself.

Done is better than perfect

I’m not sure if this one needs much explaining.

We’re such perfectionists but sometimes we literally need to press publish rather than mull over it another ten times.

If we don’t. Nothing will get done. Nothing will be put out there.

Motivate yourself

You might have your own ways to motive yourself.

Pull all your tricks out of the cupboard to motivate yourself.

For me, that’s a walk with the dogs or simply a walk around the block.

It clears my head and gives me new energy.

Find something that works for you.

Then go eat that frog.

Just do it

Yes, I’m pulling out the Nike slogan.

Sometimes we literally just need to get over ourselves and just do it.

Me included.

You can only let certain things slip for so long before they’ll come back to bite you in the ***.

Put on your big girl panties and just do it.

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