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5 Irresistible opt-in gift examples

by | Apr 7, 2015 | Marketing | 0 comments

One of the main ways to entice people to sign up to your mailing list is to offer them something in return. This so called opt-in gift can be given in many different shapes and forms, the most used opt-in gifts being e-books, free videos and challenges.

To grow your email subscriber list you need to make sure you have an irresistible opt-in offer. The art is to create something that is going to appeal to your right people because you want to attract the right people to your list.

The main thing of your opt-in offer is that it needs to be of the highest quality and highest value. Now, the value is going to depend on your audience, it is of value if it helps them. 

Today I want to share 5 irresistible opt-in gifts that will not only help you in your business, but they are also brilliant examples of high quality gifts executed to the highest quality.

I encourage you to visit these websites and join their mailing list for beautiful opt-in gift inspiration and butt-kicking business advice.

1. Lucky Bitch

“Release these 7 money blocks and stop underearning now”

2. Betty Means Business

Done for you scripts and are you charging what you’re worth?

3. Kylie Patchett

Who’s messing with your head Ms. Entrepreneur?

4. The Brand Alchemist

Discover the secret to your soulful brand

5. She Takes on the World

Get your free 14 day conquer course

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