Protecting your Facebook ad account and getting your ads approved

This is it.

The end of the year.

The last episode of 2020.

When we started this year I actually didn’t know that I was going to launch a podcast.

Honestly, I normally plan everything very carefully but this year has thrown everyone some curveballs I think, and I had to roll with the punches a little bit more.

I think this past year has been one of the hardest years for me in business, in terms of juggling client work, managing my business, having my toddler at home full-time for 4 months and also having my husband working from home since July.

It has definitely been a roller coaster and a juggle but we all found our rhythm and made it work. We have come out stronger.

On the flip side, it has also been one of my best years in business. I have a small list of clients that I absolutely love working with and financially it has been one of my best years since giving birth to my daughter and working part-time hours.

For everyone who is still on the rollercoaster of lockdowns and homeschooling, I’m sending you lots of love and from someone who has been there, done that, I can honestly say that for us it was worth it. We now have most of our freedom back and are living in a new ‘covid normal’ world.

I’m sending you lots of love and strength. You will get out of this stronger, you’ve got this.

For today’s episode I wanted to look back and share some lessons that I learned this past year.

Some are things I instinctively knew, some are things I didn’t know I could do. Hopefully these lessons will help or inspire you for the year that’s to come.

Connect with me

Website: www.newschoolofmarketing.com
Facebook: @newschoolofmarketing
Facebook group: @newschoolofmarketing
Instagram: @bianca_mckenzie


Love the New School of Marketing Podcast?

Let’s be honest and upfront, because you know that’s what I’m all about. Podcast reviews are super important to iTunes and the more reviews we receive the more likely iTunes will reward us with better reach.

I want to reach more course creators, store owners and awesome business builders that can add extreme value to our awesome insiders. I already love that you’re here and ready to rock your business, but I’d be extremely grateful if you would review me on iTunes and SUBSCRIBE!

Can’t wait to teach you everything I know about online marketing!


Facebook Ads Checklist

Inside this FREE master template I’ll show you exactly what you need to create and setup before you can start your ads.


This is it. The end of the year. The last episode of 2020. When we started this year I actually didn’t know that I was going to launch a podcast. Honestly, I normally plan everything very carefully but this year has thrown everyone some curveballs I think, and I had to roll with the punches a little bit more. I think this past year has been one of the hardest years for me in business, in terms of juggling client work, managing my business, having my toddler at home full-time for 4 months and also having my husband working from home since July. It has definitely been a roller coaster and a juggle but we all found our rhythm and made it work. We have come out stronger. On the flip side, it has also been one of my best years in business. I have a small list of clients that I absolutely love working with and financially it has been one of my best years since giving birth to my daughter and working part-time hours. For everyone who is still on the rollercoaster of lockdowns and homeschooling, I’m sending you lots of love and from someone who has been there, done that, I can honestly say that for us it was worth it. We now have most of our freedom back and are living in a new ‘covid normal’ world. I’m sending you lots of love and strength. You will get out of this stronger, you’ve got this. For today’s episode I wanted to look back and share some lessons that I learned this past year. Some are things I instinctively knew, some are things I didn’t know I could do. Hopefully these lessons will help or inspire you for the year that’s to come. Lessons: 1. I’m more productive with less time When Alana was at home full-time I actually got all of my work done and more. I started a podcast (they take lots of time) I also created 2 small offers – a program on targeting your Facebook ads, plus a program on creating your creative (like images and copy) for Facebook ads Plus I still managed my clients’ ad accounts and actually onboarded some new clients. 2. I need to outsource and can’t do it all myself No VA since Alana was born Even though I managed to do all that I did with less time, it was also overwhelming and stressful and it has made me realise that I want to get some support again. Super excited to have just hired a Digital Marketing Assistant and a new VA who are both starting in the new year. 3. Making the move from blogging to podcasting was great (renewed energy and excitement for content creation) For the past 5 year, well actually past 15 years, I’ve been a blogger. In many shapes and forms and not all for my current business, but I lost the excitement for blogging earlier in the year and hadn’t really done much. So I decided to change it up and start a podcast so that I could still share my thoughts and knowledge, plus bring great experts on the podcast too. So that’s what I did and so far it has been one heck of a learning curve plus so much fun. I’m really loving it and can’t wait to share more with you in the new year. If you have any topics you want me to address or any guests you’d love to hear from, please send me a DM on Instagram. 4. Continuously invest in myself This one comes up just about every year and I stand behind it 100%. You have to invest in yourself. It doesn’t need to be a mastermind or a course, but you need to do something for yourself. Even going on a short holiday (when you can), having your hair done, go for a massage, bring on a cleaner. Anything that’s for you. That feels like you’re putting something back into yourself. Personally, I invested in a number of courses this year and it has been absolutely fabulous. I’ve been a Facebook ads manager for around 6 years now and I still don’t know it all, so I invested in a high level Facebook ads management program and it has changed my life. The group is fantastic and it’s so good to have a network of people to share ideas and challenges with. In terms of a mastermind, I have been part of a small group for a few years and that group is my go-to place for anything I want to share or want feedback on. They’re my lifeline and my support network. If you don’t have one, please connect with someone or a group. It honestly is the best thing. Business doesn’t have to be an island. 5. I love my work and need to consciously put boundaries in place to take time off I honestly don’t stop if I have the option to just keep going. That’s why we try to go on as many camping trips as possible because it means that we’re not able to use any of our devices. So we’ll be switching off and not get back online until we’re back.