
I love reading and soaking up knowledge and when people recommend me books, I immediately go check them out and save a sample on kindle for iPad. These are some of the books that I have saved on the kindle, some I have started reading, some I have finished and some I can’t wait to get into.

  • She takes on the world

    Natalie MacNeil is such an inspiration. Her book takes you through her journey and is full of handy tips, advice and inspiration. Definitely a great read for all female business owners.

  • Lucky Bitch

    This is definitely a must read for me, I haven’t started it yet but I follow Denise’s blog and I can only guess what the book is about. I reckon it is going to be mind blowing.

  • 4 Hour work week

    I’m currently reading this book by Tim Ferris and OMG there are so many things that I want to do now. It’s inspiring and full of advice and examples of how others have created the life of their dreams.

  • Ariana Huffington Thrive

    I’m not sure how I found out about this book, but I’m a big fan of Ariana Huffington and would love to learn from the lady herself.

  • #girlboss

    I recently finished reading this book and wow was I inspired. Sophia Amoruso is one cheeky and feisty lady. I love reading people’s stories, especially their path to business and this is definitely a must read.

There are plenty more books out there that I want to read, but I only wanted to list 5 today so that I wouldn’t overwhelm myself (and you) with a massive list of things I feel I ‘should’ read and do. And one day, I’ll add my own book to this list 😉

Have a lovely day peeps! Let me know what your favourite books are in the comments below, I’m always looking for more books to read!

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