![NSOM Podcast images 2020 (3) Protecting your Facebook ad account and getting your ads approved](https://www.biancamckenzie.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/NSOM-Podcast-images-2020-3.png)
Facebook ads can help you with attracting new customers, as long as you think about how you want to go about this.
So in this episode I want to talk through 3 ways to use Facebook ads to grow a waitlist of clients.
This episode is most relevant to people with service based businesses and course creators, but if you own an e-commerce business you’ll probably get some ideas from this episode too.
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Instagram: @bianca_mckenzie
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Facebook Ads Checklist
Inside this FREE master template I’ll show you exactly what you need to create and setup before you can start your ads.
Happy New Year! I hope you’re well, wherever in the world you are.
The world is still in so much turmoil, I can’t even begin to tell you how disturbing it is to witness it from a relatively safe place in the world.
We’re now a bit more than a week into 2021 and I’m only just picking up my work again. Slowly.
We went away camping for a week after Christmas and it was just pure heaven to be with nature, completely disconnected with no phone reception and my family and good friends for company. I honestly wish I was back in the bush, but I’m not. Haha.
We actually just purchased a camper trailer and I can’t wait til we get it so we can go on more camping adventures. It recharges me and I love it so much.
Anyway, I hope you had some time off too and managed to recharge.
Right now I’m gearing up for all of the launches I have planned for my Facebook ads courses and doing a few strategy sessions with new Facebook ads clients, as well as setting up new campaigns for existing clients.
You might be starting the new year slowly too, or maybe you’re already knee deep into work again.
Whichever one it is, I wanted to talk about using Facebook ads to grow a waitlist of clients.
Because we all need clients, right, otherwise it’s not a business.
This episode is most relevant to people with service based businesses and course creators, but if you own an e-commerce business you’ll probably get some ideas from this episode too.
When you are a service provider, coach, course creator or someone who sells high ticket items, and with high ticket I mean over $300 – $500, you will find that before someone buys from you, they spend a bit of time getting to know you and your business.
People generally don’t invest a chunk of money with someone they don’t know. It does happen occasionally but it’s not common.
So to use Facebook ads to sell something to someone who has never heard of your business is extremely difficult, as well as extremely expensive.
People need to get to know you first.
Facebook ads can help you with attracting new customers, as long as you think about how you want to go about this.
So in this episode I want to talk through 3 ways to use Facebook ads to grow a waitlist of clients.
The first way is:
Go live on Facebook (or Instagram) and turn the videos into Facebook ads
The thought behind video and going live on Facebook or Instagram is that it builds relationships and connection. Social media was designed to be that, social. So get on camera and talk to your audience. You can teach them something, or show them a little behind the scenes, or share something relevant to them.
The main thing is that it’s related to what you do and sell.
And always close with a strong call to action. This could be to direct people to download something, read something, send you a message or something else you want them to do.
Set your ad up so that it is shown to people who haven’t met or heard of you before. There are a number of targeting options in Facebook ads manager and if you already have a following you can create a lookalike audience of people who have interacted or engaged with your business in the past.
Getting on video and in front of new people opens up the opportunity for you to attract new clients. The aim of your ad is to get in front of new people and start the process of building your authority and trust so that they get to know you for what you do and start seeing you as a person they may want to work with.
So that’s number 1. Go live on Facebook or Instagram and turn the video into an ad.
Run ads to a free offer to grow your list
This method of running ads is quite popular and one of the type of campaigns that I run for myself and for my clients on an ongoing basis.
You may have seen them in your own Facebook newsfeed.
It starts with a free offer, such as a downloadable checklist, or a webinar, or a challenge, or quiz.
Once you click on the ad it takes you to a landing page where you type in your email address, you click submit and you’re directed to the free offer – either on a new page or it gets sent to your inbox.
The reason these ads are used so frequently is because they work and gives the business owner the opportunity to start building a relationship with the subscriber through sending regular emails.
It’s one of the campaigns I love running and recommend that you run as well, because it brings people into your network and you get the opportunity to build a closer relationship with them so they start seeing you as an authority on your subject and you become the go-to person to work with.
It’s important to mention that you do need to keep in touch with them once they have taken you up on your free offer. You need to build trust with them first before you can sell them something.
So you need to have an automated email nurture sequence in place, or commit to emailing them regularly to build that trust and relationship with them.
So, number 2 is to build your list with a free offer through Facebook ads.
Retarget people who have interacted with your business
This last one is more focused on getting people who already know you (or at least have had some interaction with your business) to remember you when they are ready to take the next step.
The next step could be to sign up for a call with you, or to get on your waitlist.
So while this last type of Facebook ad campaign isn’t focused on getting more people into your network, it is focused on bringing those who already know you closer and on a list to work with you.
You’ve spent time and possibly money on bringing them into your network and have nurtured them, now the next step is to get them even closer and bring them on as clients or students.
Inside of Facebook ads manager you can create custom audiences of people who have visited your website, people who have engaged with you on Facebook or Instagram, people who have watched a video (remember the first campaign I talked about), people who are already on your email list and more.
Use this option to get back in front of people who know you but this time your CTA should be to work with you, join your course, get on a call with you or join your waitlist for when you open up spots next.
So the last way to use ads to grow a waitlist of clients is to use a campaign to get in front of people who know you already and invite them to work with you.
You can even use all of these campaigns at once if you build out your infrastructure and run them as follow up campaigns.
Your homework for this week is to spend some time thinking about which type of ad campaign is best for you and to set the wheels in motion to run some campaigns.
Don’t start anything without thinking about it first. You need an action plan before taking action.
That’s it for this week, I look forward to connecting again soon.