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3 Types of Facebook ads you should try in your business

by | Feb 6, 2018 | Facebook Advertising | 0 comments

Facebook ads have been a huge part of my marketing strategy from the start. I’ve used them to expand my reach and get in front of new people who find my content helpful and valuable. My ads didn’t hit the mark from day dot but I’ve always used them to build my email list first and foremost and later I started to use ads to generate sales, mostly by advertising to people who are on my list and using warm audiences of people who have seen my work before.

Without Facebook ads I would never have been able to grow the list and build the business I have now. Facebook is super powerful, it allows me (and you) to compete in a way you never would have been able to a few years ago. With just a couple of dollars, you can get in front of your perfect audience, invite them to join your list and start building a relationship with them.

Whilst there are many things you can do with Facebook ads, there are only a few ways in which I use Facebook ads and I think you should try these methods too.

If you’re ready for ads, let’s dive into 3 types of Facebook ads you should try in your business.

1: List Building ads

This one isn’t a new one. If you have followed my blog for a while you’ll know that this is my absolute favourite way to use Facebook advertising.

If you want to know why this is my favourite way, read these blog posts:

Why should you use Facebook Ads for list building in your business?

Why use Facebook ads for list building

Why growing your list should be your top priority

2: Video ads

My second favourite way to use Facebook ads is to turn videos and Facebook Lives into ads to get in front of more people. The reason I love video ads so much is because firstly people get to see you and connect with you in a more personal way. Secondly, and this is something every advertiser loves, turning videos into ads helps you build a larger retargeting audience.

This means that you can show ads to people who have watched your video. Running retargeting ads usually has the benefit of lower advertising costs because people have already ‘seen’ your work and are a little bit more familiar with what you do. In a sense you’re targeting a ‘warmer’ audience and that’s a big bonus in running Facebook ads.

3: Engagement ads

If you’ve been using Facebook for a while you’ll know that a lot of emphasis is placed on having page engagement. The better the engagement on your page, the better your organic posts often perform.

I like to help my engagement every so often by turning posts into engagement ads so that Facebook sees that my audience loves what I post and responds to what I do. Engagement has all sorts of benefits so why not help it along every so often.

So, which type of ad are you going to run first?


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