You have probably heard this before and at the risk of sounding like a broken record…
You should be building your mailing list ALL THE TIME!
Here are 3 reasons why you must have a mailing list:
1. To stay in touch with your peeps and invite them to dive deeper into working with or buying from you when they’re ready
2. It’s where people buy from the most. Your conversion rate from your mailing list will be higher than your Facebook page, your website, your instagram etc.
3. It gives you credibility. As soon as you hit 5000 subscribers on your mailing list, you’ve become a small entity, a pro. A larger list will offer you more opportunities in business.
There are many ways to build your mailing list and it’s a good idea to get educated on how to grow your list. I have written about this topic before, so have a look at my other posts to see if you can find any answers.