Nobody can guarantee Facebook ads results

Nobody can guarantee Facebook ads results

I’m not sure if you follow many Facebook ads managers or ads coaches, but because I show an interest in Facebook advertising and marketing I get served up a lot of ads by other Facebook marketers.  And every so often I see an ad in which the ad manager guarantees a...
The one marketing strategy you need in 2023

The one marketing strategy you need in 2023

Last week I looked at the year ahead and shared some predictions with you. In this episode I want to share the one marketing strategy you need in 2023 (and probably every year after that).  The one marketing strategy that gives you the highest return on investment and...
2023 Marketing and Facebook Advertising predictions

2023 Marketing and Facebook Advertising predictions

Now that we’ve sliced the top off 2023 and people are getting back to business, I’d love to have a peek into my crystal ball and talk about what I think 2023 has in store for us.  Before we leap in, let’s have a look at 2022 and take some lessons on-board because gosh...