
I love working with small business owners, and most of my clients are extremely creative and seem to come up with new ideas all the time. Except when it comes to social media, then they just block the flow of creativity and they don’t know where to start. I agree that one of the hardest things for business owners is consistently coming up with engaging content. Sometimes the well just runs dry.

That’s why I’ve put together this list of 20 ideas for what you can share with your social media tribe. It contains both ideas for business-related posts, as well as more personal posts that will help you engage with your community in a more personal and meaningful way.

People buy from people, so injecting some personality is essential.


  1. Business tips that help your audience
  2. Humor…(who doesn’t love a good laugh?)
  3. Questions! Even random questions like “What’s your favorite movie?”
  4. Offers and deals. This is still the #1 reason people like a brand on Facebook
  5. Behind-the-scenes photos of your life or business
  6. Inspiration is huge. It is one of the most shared types of content on social media
  7. Personal recommendations for your favorite products or services
  8. Recommend people to follow. Share the love by recommending other people or businesses your fans can like or follow
  9. Fill-in-the-blank posts
  10. Customer success stories, case studies or testimonials
  11. Customer profiles: Share information or facts about one of your customers (with their permission, of course) (you could interview them, videos are extremely popular)
  12. Content shared by your audience
  13. A summary of how you started your current business
  14. Share your lessons learned from an industry conference, a book you recently read or event
  15. Demystify common myths in your niche
  16. Links to other people’s content…you shouldn’t just share your own
  17. Book, movie or restaurant suggestions
  18. Share other people’s social media posts, be sure to tag their business in your post
  19. Expert advice or tips…whether it’s yours or someone else’s
  20. Thank your tribe for being a part of your life and business

“Inspiration is huge. It is one of the most shared types of content on social media.”

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