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5 Ways to turn Facebook fans into email subscribers

by | Mar 31, 2015 | Marketing, Social Media | 0 comments

You’ve heard that email lists have a higher return on investment and so you’ve started an email list and you already have a number of Facebook fans, but how do you get them to subscribe to your list?

I’m going to show you 5 ways to turn Facebook fans into email subscribers so that you can grow your business and increase your return on investment.


5 Ways to turn Facebook fans into email subscribers


1. Add your email opt-in form to your Facebook page

In Facebook you can add a so called app to your page that you can use to get people to sign up to your email list. This page can be linked to your MailChimp account, or other mailing list service you use.


The sign up form will be reflected in the ‘menu’ bar at the top so it’s essential to use a catching name. Using ‘subscribe’ might not do the job.


Your add will also show up on the left hand side and you can create a custom image for this if you want. My regular opt-in gift is the pink one and I’m also running an opt-in competition. The pink image is custom designed, whereas the ‘enter to win’ image is standard for the app I’m using to run the competition.

There are a number of different ways to add your opt-in gift to your Facebook page. If you’re using MailChimp, you can Google ‘Mailchimp Facebook app’.

2. Add an image to your opt-in page on your timeline cover

In times when you’re not running any other promotions, I recommend using your Facebook timeline cover image to promote your opt-in gift.


3. Offer an opt-in gift to entice your fans

An opt-in gift is something you give your subscribers in return for signing up to your mailing list. It’s a way to entice them to join you. Make your opt-in gift something that’s irresistible, something they really need and want.

4. Run a Facebook competition

There are lots of different apps that you can install and use on Facebook to run a competition. Before you go ahead, make sure that you’re aware of Facebook’s rules on competitions and if you’re in Australia, make sure you are aware of the competition rules in your state.

5. Promote your opt-in on your timeline

Make sure that you tell your fans about your opt-in on your timeline. I recommend reminding them about it daily and you can do this in different ways, for example in text posts, by creating a video that shows them how to sign up, creating a video of what they’ll receive, using different images to showcase your opt-in offer and by posting the link to your subscribe page.


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